For Our Moms
This is just a thank you to all of our mothers here at Christian-e-authors. Whether we are mothers ourselves or just want to wish our own moms a Happy Mother's Day, I thought this was a great place to do it. Thanks Moms, for encouraging us to write when we were in school and thought we could write a great novel in our composition notebooks with those fat pencils. Thanks Moms, for supporting our essay skills even when the teachers said we were "average." Thanks Moms, for letting us read the books we wanted to without censorship. And thanks Moms, for encouraging our pursuit of publication and appreciating our work, regardless of whether you understood what "e-books" really were or what a "download" entailed. Thanks Moms!
I echo Robin's Mother's Day wishes! We have many moms in Christian E-Authors - and I send greetings and thanks to all.
My own mother and mother-in-law have gone to be with the Lord, but I remember them with love and gratitude. Both read the first draft of my first manuscript and encouraged me so much to pursue my writing dream. Both were excited when my book was published electronically, though neither really understood what an ebook was!
Happy Mother's Day!
My mother, who is now 83, has always been very supportive. However, even though I was e-published it wasn't until I handed her the PRINT version of the book that I saw the awe in her face.
Maybe I should buy her a Palm Pilot. :^)
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