Selling by Stalking
Tonight I had a book signing at a bookstore. I set my children's book out along with business cards, brochures, etc. Then the manager said to stroll through the store, act friendly, and voila! Sales.
Wrong. This particular store had the "Veggie Tales" characters in last week, and they'll be there again Saturday. "Strawberry Shortcake" will be making an appearance Sunday, so I'm thinking the parents in that area might be a bit tired, and gearing up for next Saturday.
After handing out a couple dozen bookmarks, I started to feel like I was stalking the customers. I pictured myself like the shark from Jaws....circling my prey, forcing a few bucks from them, then leaving them lying on the floor searching for hearts in Topsy Turvy Land so I'd let them go.
I had plenty of time to check out the books on the shelves while I prowled the aisles. A handful of Christian authors seem to make up a good percentage of the product lines. I saw journals, magnets, calendars, screensavers, and desksets based on bestselling books. Hey, I'm not putting it down. I'd love to walk into the store and see some stuffed animals or coloring books based on one of my books!
I realize that selling goes along with writing. Even the celebrities have to appear on every talk show when books come out. My mom went with me, and kept talking to me, trying to encourage me. Afterwards, over a plate of potato skins and a gardenburger, we talked about how artists of every kind have to pay dues and be persistent if they're going to be successful. I recalled how one country star who's huge right now started out singing at county fairs and festivals, and even one time, right after a "spittin' contest." Ugh! That had to be the worst - and she said it was!
I love people. I like to talk, and I really enjoyed my time in the bookstore. But how can I compete with Bob and Larry? They're vegetables after all! Maybe I should dress up like Chizzy the Chimp? He's cute. Think that will work?
What's your marketing plan? Believe me - you better have a good one. Or you'll be like me. Can't you hear the theme song from Jaws right now?
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